Land Measurement Conversion Tool

Sq m to Sq Yard Converter

Convert between various units of land measurement easily

Sqm to Sq Yd Converter

Square meters (sqm) and square yards (sq yd) are commonly used units of area measurement in construction, real estate, and interior design. Understanding how to convert sq mt to sq yard is essential when dealing with land and property measurements.

How to Convert Square Meter to Square Yard?

1 square meter (sqm) = 1.19599 square yards (sq yd)

To convert sq mt to sq yard, multiply the number of square meters by 1.19599.

Example Conversion:

What is 10 square meters in square yards?

10 sqm × 1.19599 = 11.96 sq yd

Sq M to Sq Yd Conversion Table

Square Meters (sqm)

Square Yards (sq yd)

1 sqm

1.20 sq yd

5 sqm

5.98 sq yd

10 sqm

11.96 sq yd

20 sqm

23.92 sq yd

50 sqm

59.80 sq yd

100 sqm

119.60 sq yd

How to Convert Sq M to Other Units?

Here’s how 1 square meter converts into various units of area measurement:


Conversion Factor


Square Centimeters

1 sqm × 10,000

10,000 sq cm

Square Feet

1 sqm × 10.764

10.764 sq ft

Square Inches

1 sqm × 1,550

1,550 sq in

Square Kilometers

1 sqm ÷ 1,000,000

0.000001 sq km


1 sqm ÷ 4,047

0.000247 acres


1 sqm ÷ 10,000

0.0001 hectares

Major Differences Between Sq M and SQ Yard


Square Meter (sqm)

Square Yard (sq yd)

Measurement System

Metric System

Imperial System

Length Equivalent

1 sqm = 10.764 sq ft

1 sq yd = 9 sq ft


Common in most countries worldwide

Primarily used in the US, UK, and India for real estate

Standard Definition

1 sqm is the area of a square with sides 1 meter long

1 sq yd is the area of a square with sides 1 yard long

Common Applications

Architecture, interior design, and construction

Real estate, land measurement, and textile industry


Real-Life Applications of Sq Mtr to Sq Yd Conversion

Real Estate and Construction

  • Buying or Selling Property: Builders list property in square meters, but resale listings often use square yards.
  • Land Records: Official land documents may use sq mtr, while buyers prefer sq yd.
  • Carpet Area Calculation: Some builders provide area in sqmtr, while local agents may use sqyd.

Interior Design & Home Renovation

  • Flooring & Tiles: International brands use square meters, while local vendors may use square yards.
  • Wallpaper & Paint Area Estimation: Some suppliers list coverage in sqmt, while contractors work in sqyd.

Gardening & Landscaping

  • Lawn & Garden Measurement: Landscaping projects may require converting sq mtr to sq yd for accurate area planning.
  • Outdoor Furniture Placement: Understanding sqyd to sqm conversions helps optimize outdoor space.

Use Our Square Meter to Square Yard Converter

Quickly and accurately convert sqmtr into sqyd with our easy-to-use tool. Whether you need to convert sq meter to sq yards for real estate, construction, or interior projects, our sq meter to sq yard calculator simplifies the process.

Need more conversions? Explore our other cm to inch converter to make calculations effortless!